Get Ready For Recess (#1003)

Get Ready For Recess (#1003)

Recess is a time during the day for students of any grade to relax, unwind, and detach themselves from their academic work. It’s a time to have fun running, playing, and socializing with their friends. I believe when children are healthy and happy, they learn better. I want to create a happy, healthy school environment for the students at Bethesda International Academy by providing them equipment that will develop their large and small motor skills. Physical activity benefits the child’s wellbeing on many levels. Recess is a child’s favorite part of the school day. At recess kids learn how to resolve conflict, take turns, share, and follow game rules. I want the students to be able to choose whether they want to jump rope, play in the sandbox, play kickball or blow bubbles. My dream is for the children to have some options with some outdoor gear. Our outdoor recess equipment is old and broken. Keeping the kids active with structured group games is fun. We play plenty of relay races and freeze tag games. It would be great if after we finished our structured play games, the students could have colorful bouncing balls, jump ropes, and quality made sandbox toys to use.

We all have cherished memories of recess when we were kids. Help me to create more memories for our students at Bethesda International Academy.

I believe that outdoor play reduces students stress. Recess and PE activities help promote classroom productivity and increases attention span.

Fund this Dream for $1,993.73.