Leading our CLEF schools to the next level…
Craft a Compelling Vision •Increase Engagement •Elevate Academics
Grow Enrollment •Attract the Best Teachers

Principal 360 Chicago Edition is the only program for Chicagoland Principals that ensures FULL CIRCLE SUCCESS with every challenge and opportunity in today’s dynamic educational landscape.
Providing FULL CIRCLE SUCCESS for School Leaders
Leading a high-quality educational institution that promotes academic excellence requires extensive administrative, managerial, and academic skills. In today’s educational environment, school leaders must anticipate the challenges of tomorrow as entrepreneurs, combining a strategic mindset with highly developed relationship skills. While many of CLEF’s school leaders have an extensive background in education, the Principal 360 Chicago Edition program builds their skills and provides support to leverage the resources needed to run schools at their highest level.
Through the Principal 360 Chicago Edition, school leaders receive intensive training in leadership development, business management, and social-emotional intelligence. Participants create actionable business plans to drive school improvement and increase enrollment, classroom training is brought to bear on real-world issues almost immediately.
Throughout the program, participating school leaders receive one-to-one coaching to support the implementation of their school’s strategic improvement plans, and achievement of personal leadership goals.
National Principal 360 Program
Not in the Chicagoland area but want to develop your faith-based school? Visit our full Principal 360 website.
Take Action
Join CLEF in creating FULL CIRCLE SUCCESS in our Lutheran schools of Chicago!