Lesson Learned (#401)

Lesson Learned (#401)

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! (Psalm 95:1)

St John’s Lutheran School is a place where God’s Word is taught joyfully and purposefully. It is also a place that allows students to explore and develop the gifts and talents that their Creator has given to them.

For the last three years, students have been offered the opportunity to enroll in private lessons offered by the Music Teacher at St John’s. Students are able to enroll in piano, organ, guitar and voice lessons that are offered once a week during the school day and after school. There are currently 20 St John’s 1st-8th grade students taking lessons.

An obstacle for many students has been a lack of quality instruments. Parents are hesitant to invest in an instrument because they are unsure of whether their student will stick with the instrument for more than a year. Students are unable to progress because the instrument that they use sounds poor or is the wrong size. This is very discouraging, especially for a beginner.

This dream would allow for the purchase of seven instruments to allow students who may not enroll in lessons because of that obstacle or students with subpar instruments to learn on a quality instrument. For one year and for a small rental fee, seven students would be able to learn on a keyboard or guitar that is of excellent quality. After a year, returning students would purchase their own instrument, freeing up these school-owned instruments for the next set of enrolling students. Parents would be more willing to invest in something for their child if they are assured that the child is going to continue in their studies.

Let us continue to encourage this next generation of musicians. They are the church now and the society of the future. Let us allow them the opportunity to continue to grow the gifts and talents that our Lord has given them.

The fact that our school offers private lessons is something that is mentioned to every incoming family. This has always been met with a positive response and many new families have chosen to enroll their students in lessons when their child is of the right age and a time slot becomes available.
Another positive impact is the growth in self-confidence that many of these students have undergone. All of the currently enrolled students have played for an audience, a feat that takes bravery and lots of preparation. These are skills that we want to grow in our students.
This dream would allow students who may not otherwise enroll a chance to grow those skills and have another positive experience with music and the art of performing.

Fund this Dream for $1,460.51.