Calming the Recess Chaos (#205)

Calming the Recess Chaos (#205)

My dream is to have a well organized recess time for my Kindergarten Class. I would like to set up stations to have the students rotate through at recess. I would like to buy more gym supplies to be able to implement this dream. In actuality this dream would benefit more than twenty students because I would use these supplies for more than 1 year.

Our gym is very small and when a class of children are running around with few supplies it can get chaotic. Right now I have a few soft balls, collapsible frisbees, and a small parachute that I keep in our classroom. This is not enough to keep the children busy. This causes conflict and misbehavior. I keep the supplies in my classroom so that I can make sure they are used correctly and not misused. I am hoping that if I have more supplies, I can set up stations for the children to choose from and to keep recess much more organized with few conflicts and misbehaviors.


Fund this Dream for $355.