St. John’s Students Sing in Virtual Choir

Social distancing is keeping schools closed but teachers are finding inspiring ways for students to shine in virtual classrooms.
Music Teacher Katrina Jurica at St. John’s Lutheran School, Pastor Jacob Ehrhard and teachers helped students find an innovative way to share their musical talents and uplift others with a virtual choir performance. They hosted a virtual choir on facebook that helped students showcase their talents and sing praises to the Lord.
Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church & School sing Martin Franzmann’s great hymn, Thy Strong Word in a virtual choir performance.
Katrina recounts that way back on Ash Wednesday, they sang “Thy Strong Word” in music class. “It’s a favorite of my students but, since it’s full of Alleluias, we don’t sing it during the season of Lent,” Katrina says. “I promised the students that we would sing it again after Easter.”
“Well, as you can imagine, all of our plans changed and it will be a while before I get to see my kids again,” Katrina laments.
After Easter, Katrina resolved to keep her promise to sing, “Thy Strong Word” together. So, she got busy and made the necessary accompaniment video, sent it to the kids, parents, and teachers, and invited them to participate. “It was such a joy to hear their voices again,” Katrina says. “Modern technology is great and Zoom has been fantastic for staying in touch, but I haven’t had the joy of singing with my students since March.” Putting together this Virtual Choir allowed for that “magic” to happen.
“But, you better believe that I look forward to the real thing again, when we can gather together safely, encouraging each other’s faith with God’s Word and His gift of Music, and enjoying the sound of our voices singing as one, ” Katrina says. “And be on the look out for the next Virtual Choir video!”
Music Hits Right Chords
The music program at St. John’s along with its weekly chapel services helps these private Christian school students “enlighten their souls” from preschool to eighth grade. The preschool-kindergarten program includes music activities in the classrooms and students also develop an appreciation for music through rhythm instruments and movement to music. Students begin to understand that music is another gift from God. The elementary and middle school program helps music class students gain experience in rhythm, music theory, and music appreciation with various musical instruments. Plus, school guitar and piano lessons are offered. Students also participate in school musicals and another CLEF partner school Walther Christian Academy also provides instruction with band instruments.
Tradition of Excellence
Located on the northwest side of Chicago for over 140 years, St. John’s Lutheran School offers a well-rounded program of academic excellence including language arts, math, reading, social studies, science, computer, music, art, outdoor education, physical education and religious education.