Heart of America Experience (#101)

Heart of America Experience (#101)

We are requesting a dream award to help cover the cost of a 6th-8th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. Award money will cover the hotel stay. Additional money will help cover the cost of meals for students, admission to museums and/or monuments.  We will study:

US History
-Nation’s Capitol place to feel part of something bigger
-Monuments & Documents represent ideals of founding fathers
-Memorials honoring soldiers ultimate sacrifice
-Sights to visit include Lincoln Memorial, White House Steps, and Holocaust Museum

-Ground-breaking research and scientific advancements

-Cultural hub offers places students perform & develop artistic talents (Ford’s Theatre)
-So busy trying to figure out world, no thrill in the adventure
-Upcoming election/process of involvement
-Rich in Content & Memorable Moments”

Fund this Dream for $2,000.